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Dow Jones Industrials vs. Nasdaq Composite

Long Term Perspective
The Dow Jones Industrial Average parted company from the NASDAQ composite index in 1999. Tech stocks soared in 1999, but corrected in 2000, 2001 and 2002. The Nasdaq composite increased more sharply than the Dow during the exuberant years, but also fell more dramatically during the rational years. Note that the left axis shows much wider variation for the Nasdaq composite index than the Dow Jones Industrials on the right axis.

Short Term Perspective
After a brief respite in September, where most stock indexes declined, prices resumed their monthly climb in October. Both the NASDAQ composite and the Dow rose sharply from year ago levels, in any case.


S&P 500 vs. Russell 2000   •   Dow Jones Industrials vs. Nasdaq Composite

Wilshire 5000 vs. PSE Technology 100   •   Interest Rate Yield vs. Stock Market Growth
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