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NAPM - Chicago


The National Association of Purchasing Management - Chicago compiles a survey of manufacturing conditions and provides a composite diffusion index of these conditions for the Chicago area. The distribution of manufacturing firms mirrors the national distribution and therefore makes the Chicago index worth following by market players. Readings above 50% indicate an expanding factory sector. The NAPM - Chicago is considered a leading indicator of the ISM manufacturing index.

Why do Investors Care?
Investors should track economic data like the NAPM - Chicago to understand the economic backdrop for the various markets. The stock market likes to see healthy economic growth because that translates to higher corporate profits. The bond market prefers a moderate growth environment that won't generate inflationary pressures.

The NAPM - Chicago gives a detailed look at the Chicago region's manufacturing sector, how busy it is and where things are headed. Since manufacturing is a major sector of the economy, this report has a big influence on the markets. Some of the NAPM - Chicago's sub-indexes also provide insight on commodity prices and other clues on inflation. The Federal Reserve closely watches this report because when inflation signals are flashing, policymakers can reset the direction of interest rates. As a consequence, the bond market can be highly sensitive to this report.


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