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Key Fed Facts
Federal Reserve System
Federal Reserve Policy Actions
Key FOMC Dates for 2001

Key FOMC Dates for 2001
Beige Book Release FOMC Meetings * Release of Minutes
January 17 January 30 & 31 February 1
March 7 March 20 March 22
May 2 May 15 May 17
June 13 June 26 & 27 June 28
August 8 August 21 August 23
September 19 October 2 October 4
October 24 November 6 November 8
November 28 December 11 December 13

*The FOMC releases minutes of their meeting with a lag of roughly 6 - 8 weeks. The minutes that are released a couple of days after each FOMC meeting are actually minutes of the previous meeting, not the current one.

Fed Reserve System   •   Federal Reserve Policy Actions   •   Key FOMC Dates for 2001

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