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S&P 500 vs. Russell 2000

Long Term Perspective

Yearly changes in the S&P 500 paralleled the growth in the Russell 2000 between 1995 and mid-1998. The Russell 2000 followed its own path after the Russian financial crises and the near collapse of the Long Term Credit Hedge Fund. At the end of 1999, small-cap tech stocks soared and helped propel the index.

Short Term Perspective

The Russell 2000 has outperformed the S&P 500 on a year-over-year basis in eleven of the past twelve months. Nevertheless, both the S&P and the Russell fell in November from year ago levels.

S&P 500 vs. Russell 2000   •   Dow Jones Industrials vs. Nasdaq Composite

Wilshire 5000 vs. PSE Technology 100   •   Interest Rate Yield vs. Stock Market Growth

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