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Focal Point Article Archive

Date Subject
November 2000 Retail Sales 2000
October 2000 Inflation on the front burner...again
September 2000 Talking about Irrational Exuberance Part 2
August 2000 Talking about Irrational Exuberance
July 2000 Is the Consumer Taking a Breather?
June 2000 The Killer B's
May 2000 Choosing the Best Stock Market Index
April 2000 REITs of Passage
March 2000 Bubble, Bubble, Oil and Trouble
February 2000 The Humpback Treasury Curve What does it mean for investors?
February 2000 Fed Watching
January 2000 The Economic Outlook for 2000
December 1999 Labor Market Conditions
November 1999 The Other Central Banks
October 1999 The Housing Market
September 1999 Determining the appropriate asset allocation mix for you
August 1999 Fed Watching
July 1999 Interest rates rising; spreads widening
June 1999 Inflation is the name of the game
May 1999 Using Orders & Production Indicators to Signal Stock Prices
April 1999 How does consumer strength translate into stock prices?
March 1999 Economists are more bullish on the economy, but not on profits
February 1999 Long Term Trends in Interest Rates
January 1999 The euro is here!

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